Saturday, August 22, 2009

I dream of shoe-throwers & assorted body parts

Ok, so I’ve just come up briefly for air…then its back to the rat race…

Is it just me, or has everything gotten a lot harder? I’ve always believed in digging in my heels when life’s giving you a beat down but of late I feel like too much is happening at once; no rains=no water=no electricity= no food= every basic item’s bloody expensive, throw in mismanagement of resources & the nastiest form of political narrow mindedness and it’s almost overwhelming; almost but not quite ‘cause I’ll still grit my teeth, dig in my heels and give some back. except this time round I find myself itching to throw a shoe or two at someone/something (other fashion accessories are allowed by the way). Maybe that’s what will save this country. Seriously, think about it, shoe throwing requires one to have long, gut wrenching moments of self-evaluation. And it requires one to be pissed enough to want to disturb the universe…or just a small piece of it; positively that is…surely it's got to make a difference…a good one at that…it has to right?

Speaking of accessories; of course you like the tushie a touch big, Will. Gets your imagination going doesn’t it? I know enough jamaas who’d whole heartedly agree with you on the beauty of sizeable lady body parts. Enough women are aware of this,so much so that they're going to crazy lengths to ensure their accessories/body parts are just the right attention-grabbing size...and someone's snickering all the way to the bank...


I just figure beauty is in the eye of the beholder. And there are a lot of beholders out there, all with varied perceptions…so instead of jumping into the whole whirlpool of dying to be noticed or looking like Tyra OR playing catch up & keep up, why don’t I just sit back, have a blast being beautifully subtle me and let the beholders -who'll think I’m the yummiest, coolest thing since an iced double cappuccino- come around and join the party? After all, there's just got to be a beholder(s) for each one of us out there no? So trying to be everything for everyone doesn't seem all that smart to me...

Seriously ladies, I think it should bother you A LOT if you’re taking & doing all sorts of things to make your boobies & butts look bigger just so guys can drool over you…And If some useless idiot decides I’m not cool enough coz my body parts don’t meet his expectations? Well, he can watch me walk away ‘coz he sure as hell isn’t getting any…

Quote of the week: “When the census guys come knocking, do not open your door for them. Answer their questions through the grilled window. Give them a torch if there are no lights outside. If they ask you why, tell them ‘coz my mum said so,” the loveable, one-of-a-kind Mrs. Wanjiru Kariuki, doing what she does awesomely best; being my mum. God you’ve got to love her.

Have a lovely weekend all,

Mob wendos,



  1. Interesting read, i like the part, about "And there are a lot of beholders out there, all with varied perceptions…so instead of jumping into the whole whirlpool of dying to be noticed or looking like Tyra OR playing catch up & keep up, why don’t I just sit back, have a blast being beautifully subtle me and let the beholders -who'll think I’m the yummiest, coolest thing since an iced double cappuccino- come around and join the party?" keep writing girl

  2. Hey you! :-) Your mum rocks haha!

    Yeah everyone has their own ka beholder following but the fact of the matter is you care about the composition of your Beholder list don't you? And you will, almost subconsciously carry yourself out in a manner to maintain such desired persons in that list. Kujiachilia won't help that. .overdoing clichés won't make it better either. And just for the record, Tyra has a forehead waaah!

  3. Hey WP. Yep, my mum's one of a kind...
    True, I care about the qualities my beholder(s) have...but its' the experience of being with them (how they make me feel) that counts...And of course, no one, male or female should jiachilia that is not what i was implying (heaven forbid). What I was trying to point out is this;

    1. I believe in being the best of you, NOT being-subconsciously or not-someone you think will wow the desired person(s) coz the best of you is what should grab the beholder’s attention(I think they have a term for this in Brand marketing, right Fiona?)…

    2. Based on the above, a chick should strive to look & stay good spiritually, mentally and physically coz it makes them feel good NOT coz it will keep some guy around...and when I feel good, that vibe rubs off on my beholder and we both have a blast no? So when you think about it, i wasn't spewing out clichés for the sake of good cheer; it actually works.And whoever said “Be & love yourself,” knew what he was talking about, trust me…

    PS: As for your thoughts on Tyra's forehead; well, you're a beholder and in your eyes, she's been found i guess it's a good thing she wouldn't try to impress you, coz the forehead will always get in the way won't it? :-) have a fab week...

  4. Men aarrgg!!! They really think they know it all, well i have to add my two cents in this. kujiachilia is not only for us women, men too jiachilia, and trust me there are a bunch of brothers who really need a gym, but in Jacky's point of view beauty is not all about looks and figures, it is what is in a persons heart that for me and i believe Jacky too is the real beauty. And for all those guys who complain their Mama's have Jiachiliad, are you as sexy and well toned as when you were vibing the mama? i dont think so!
